AbstractCRUD<MODEL_OBJECT> - Class in sf.net.kayestry.pages
Clase base generica para los abm y listados.
AbstractCRUD() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
ACCESS_DENIED_PAGE - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.Globals
Pagina de acceso denegado.
AccessBean - Class in sf.net.kayestry.pages.access
Contiene la lista de roles permitidos a acceder a cierta pagina.
AccessBean() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.AccessBean
accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
addAllowedRole(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
addMessage(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Agrega un mensaje para ser mostrado al usuario.
addMessage(String, String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Agrega un mensaje para ser mostrado al usuario.
addMessage(String, String, ValidationConstraint) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Agrega un mensaje para ser mostrado al usuario.
addMessage(IValidationDelegate, String, String, ValidationConstraint) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Agrega un mensaje para ser mostrado al usuario.
addSubItem(MenuItem) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
ATTRIBUTE_FUNCTION_NAME - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
The name of an IRequestCycle attribute in which the link submit component that generates the javascript function is stored.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
The name of an IRequestCycle attribute in which the current submit link is stored.


back() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Back up one character.
BEAN_NAME - Static variable in interface sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.BeanSecurePage
El nombre del bean en la especificacion de la pagina que debe tener la lista de roles permitidos.
BeanSecurePage - Interface in sf.net.kayestry.pages.access
Toma la lista de roles permitidos desde un bean definido en la especificacion de la pagina.
beforeNextPage(IPage, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.WizardPage
Se llama antes de ir a la pagina siguiente .
beforePrevPage(IPage, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.WizardPage
Se llama antes de ir a la pagina anterior.


Combo - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.combo
Crea un combo a partir de una Lista o una enumeracion.
Combo() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.combo.Combo
continueFlow(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.WizardPage
El listener que se encarga de pasar de una pagina a la otra.
createLink(IRequestCycle, String) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Genera un link absoluto a una pagina.
createLinkToAccessDenied(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Crea un link a la pagina de acceso denegado.
createLinkToError(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Crea un link a la pagina de error.
createLinkToHome(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Crea un link a la pagina del home.
createLinkToLogin(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Crea un link a la pagina de login.
createLinkToLogout(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Crea un link a la pagina de logout.
createServiceLink(IRequestCycle, String) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Genera un link a un servicio.
currentModelObject - Variable in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD


DEFAULT_LABEL - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
Property a usar para obtener el valor de la etiqueta.
dehexchar(char) - Static method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the hex value of a character (base16).
DireccionComponent - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.address
DireccionComponent() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
DownloadService - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Devuelve un documento para que el usuario descargue.
DownloadService() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.DownloadService
DownloadService(String) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.DownloadService
DynamicDocumentService - Class in sf.net.kayestry
DynamicDocumentService(String) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService


editObject(MODEL_OBJECT) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
Metodo llamado por el browse para la edicion del objeto.
editObject(IRequestCycle, MODEL_OBJECT) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
editObject(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
EnumSelectionModel - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Crea un IPropertySelectionModel a partir de los valores de una enumeracion.
EnumSelectionModel(Class<? extends Enum>) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
EnumSelectionModel(Class<? extends Enum>, boolean) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
ERROR_PAGE - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.Globals
El nombre de la pagina de error
ErrorPage - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components
ErrorPage() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.ErrorPage


FillingList - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.fillinglist
FillingList() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.fillinglist.FillingList
FiltrablePageableTable - Class in sf.net.kayestry
FiltrablePageableTable(PageableTableDAO, Query) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.FiltrablePageableTable
finished(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.WizardPage
Se llama al llegar al final de las paginas del wizard.


GenericSelectionModel - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Genera un selection model a partir de una lista de objetos.
GenericSelectionModel(List) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
Crea un nuevo GenericSelectionModel.
GenericSelectionModel(List, String) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
Crea un nuevo GenericSelectionModel.
GenericSelectionModel(List, String, boolean) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
Crea un nuevo GenericSelectionModel.
get(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the object value associated with an index.
get(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the value object associated with a key.
getAddress() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getAllowedRoles() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
Devuelve el conjunto de roles a los que se le permite acceder a item de menu.
getAllowedRoles() - Method in interface sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.SimpleSecurePage
Devuelve el conjunto de roles que tienen acceso a la pagina.
getAttachName(Map) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
Devuelve el nombre del archivo a sugerir al browser para realizar el download.
getBoolean(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the boolean value associated with an index.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the boolean value associated with a key.
getBrowsePage() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getCalle() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getCp() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getCurrentModelObject() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getCurrentPageRows(int, int, ITableColumn, boolean) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.FiltrablePageableTable
getCurrentPageRows(int, int, ITableColumn, boolean) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.PageableTable
getDAO() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
Devuelve el dao que se usa para mostrar la lista paginable.
getDataPage() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getDefinition() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
getDelegate() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getDelegate() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
getDelegate() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
getDireccionFacade() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getDocumentStream(IEngineServiceView, IRequestCycle, Map) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
Devuelve el stream que contiene el documento.
getDouble(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the double value associated with an index.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the double value associated with a key.
getEditPage() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
Devuelve el nombre de la pagina que se usa para editar el objeto.
getEnumTranslateLabels() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.combo.Combo
getException() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.ErrorPage
getExceptionBinding() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.ErrorPage
getExtras() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getFacade() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
getForm() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
getId() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
getInt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the int value associated with an index.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the int value associated with a key.
getJSONArray(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONArray associated with an index.
getJSONArray(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONArray value associated with a key.
getJSONObject(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the JSONObject associated with an index.
getJSONObject(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the JSONObject value associated with a key.
getKayaVisit() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Devuelve el objeto visit.
getLabel() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.combo.Combo
getLabel(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
Devuelve la etiqueta a usar para cada opcion.
getLabel(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
getLabel(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
getLink(IRequestCycle, IComponent, Object[]) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
getLink(IRequestCycle, IComponent, Object[]) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.reports.ReportService
getListener() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
getLocalidades() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getLocalidades(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
Devuelve la lista de provincias.
getLocalidadId() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getLoggedUser() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.Visit
getMenu() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
getMenuItem() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
getMenuSubItem() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
getMimeType() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
Devuelve el tipo mime del documento.
getModel() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.combo.Combo
getModelClass() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getModelData() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.combo.Combo
getModelObject() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getName() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
getName() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
getName() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
getName() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.reports.ReportService
getNumero() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getOption(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
getOption(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
getOption(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
getOptionCount() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
getOptionCount() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
getOptionCount() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
getPageName() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
getPaises() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getPaisId() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getPassword() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
getPassword() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
getPassword1() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
getPassword2() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
getProvinciaId() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getProvincias() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getProvincias(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
Devuelve la lista de provincias.
getProvincias(Long) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
getQuery() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getReturnId() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.combo.Combo
getRoles() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.AccessBean
Devuelve la lista de roles permitidos.
getRowCount() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.FiltrablePageableTable
getRowCount() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.PageableTable
getSelectedBinding() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
getSelectedObjects() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
getService() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
getShowLogin() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
getString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the string associated with an index.
getString(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the string associated with a key.
getSubItems() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
getTag() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
getUsername() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
getValue(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
getValue(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
getValue(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
getVisit() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.KayaBaseComponent
getVisit(IPage) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Obtiene el objeto visit.
getVisit(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Obtiene el objeto visit.
Globals - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Contiene constantes de las aplicaciones Tapestry.


has(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Determine if the JSONObject contains a specific key.
hasSubItems() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
HOME_PAGE - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.Globals
El nombre de la pagina del home.


init(IEngineServiceView, IRequestCycle, ResponseOutputStream) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
initialize() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
isAccessAllowed(Visit, BasePage) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.PageAccess
Determina si se puede acceder a determinada pagina.
isDisabled() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
isDisabled() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
isNull(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Determine if the value is null.
isNull(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Determine if the value associated with the key is null or if there is no value.
isObjectSelected() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD


join(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a string from the contents of this JSONArray.
JSONArray - Class in org.json
A JSONArray is an ordered sequence of values.
JSONArray() - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct an empty JSONArray.
JSONArray(JSONTokener) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a JSONTokener.
JSONArray(String) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a source string.
JSONArray(Collection) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONArray
Construct a JSONArray from a Collection.
JSONObject - Class in org.json
A JSONObject is an unordered collection of name/value pairs.
JSONObject() - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct an empty JSONObject.
JSONObject(JSONTokener) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a JSONTokener.
JSONObject(String) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a string.
JSONObject(Map) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONObject
Construct a JSONObject from a Map.
JSONTokener - Class in org.json
A JSONTokener takes a source string and extracts characters and tokens from it.
JSONTokener(String) - Constructor for class org.json.JSONTokener
Construct a JSONTokener from a string.


KayaBaseComponent - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Clase base para los componentes de Tapestry.
KayaBaseComponent() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.KayaBaseComponent
KayaBasePage - Class in sf.net.kayestry.pages
Clase base para las clases de las paginas de Tapestry.
KayaBasePage() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
keys() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an enumeration of the keys of the JSONObject.


length() - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the length of the JSONArray.
length() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get the number of keys stored in the JSONObject.
LinkSubmitScript - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript
Basado en LinkSubmit, de Tapestry.
LinkSubmitScript() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
login(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
Valida que el usuario y clave ingresadas sea correcto.
LOGIN_PAGE - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.Globals
El nombre de la pagina de login
LoginComponent - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.login
Componente para realizar el login a la aplicacion.
LoginComponent() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
Logout - Class in sf.net.kayestry.pages
Realiza el logout de la aplicacion.
Logout() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.pages.Logout
LOGOUT_PAGE - Static variable in class sf.net.kayestry.Globals
El nombre de la pagina de logout


MenuComponent - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.menu
Genera un menu con JavaScript.
MenuComponent() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
MenuItem - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components.menu
Representa un item de menu.
MenuItem() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, String) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
MenuItem(String, String, int) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
modelObject - Variable in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
modelObjectSelected - Variable in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
more() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Determine if the source string still contains characters that next() can consume.


names() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the names of the elements of this JSONObject.
needsPermission(IPage) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.PageAccess
Verifica que la pagina necesita hacer un chequeo de permisos para poder acceder a ella.
next() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next character in the source string.
next(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Consume the next character, and check that it matches a specified character.
next(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next n characters.
nextClean() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next char in the string, skipping whitespace and comments (slashslash, slashstar, and hash).
nextString(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Return the characters up to the next close quote character.
nextTo(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including the specified character or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextTo(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the text up but not including one of the specified delimeter characters or the end of line, whichever comes first.
nextValue() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Get the next value.
NULL - Static variable in class org.json.JSONObject
It is sometimes more convenient and less ambiguous to have a NULL object than to use Java's null value.
numberToString(Number) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a string from a number.


onAfterSave(boolean) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
Se llama luego de guardar un objeto.
onBeforeSave(MODEL_OBJECT) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
TODO documentar
opt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional object value associated with an index.
opt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional value associated with a key.
optBoolean(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(int, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional boolean value associated with an index.
optBoolean(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional boolean associated with a key.
optDouble(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(int, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional double value associated with an index.
optDouble(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or NaN if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional double associated with a key, or the defaultValue if there is no such key or if its value is not a number.
optInt(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional int value associated with an index.
optInt(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or zero if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optInt(String, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional int value associated with a key, or the default if there is no such key or if the value is not a number.
optJSONArray(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional JSONArray associated with an index.
optJSONArray(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional JSONArray associated with a key.
optJSONObject(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional JSONObject associated with an index.
optJSONObject(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional JSONObject associated with a key.
optString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional string value associated with an index.
optString(int, String) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Get the optional string associated with an index.
optString(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
optString(String, String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Get an optional string associated with a key.
org.json - package org.json


PageableTable - Class in sf.net.kayestry
PageableTable(PageableTableDAO) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.PageableTable
PageAccess - Class in sf.net.kayestry.pages.access
Chequea que se tengan los permisos necesarios para acceder a cierta pagina.
PageAccess() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.PageAccess
pageBeginRender(PageEvent) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.Logout
pageValidate(PageEvent) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Chequea permisos de acceso.
PasswordFields - Class in sf.net.kayestry.components
PasswordFields() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
put(boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append a boolean value.
put(double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append a double value.
put(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an int value.
put(Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Append an object value.
put(int, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a boolean value in the JSONArray.
put(int, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace a double value.
put(int, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an int value.
put(int, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray.
put(String, boolean) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/boolean pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, double) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/double pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/int pair in the JSONObject.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject.
putOpt(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Put a key/value pair in the JSONObject, but only if the value is non-null.


quote(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a string in double quotes with backslash sequences in all the right places.


redirectTo(IRequestCycle, String) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Realiza un redirect hacia otra pagina.
redirectToAccessDenied(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Redirecciona a la pagina de acceso denegado.
redirectToError(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Redirecciona a la pagina de error.
redirectToHome(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Redirecciona a la pagina del home.
redirectToLogin(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Redirecciona a la pagina de login.
redirectToLogout(IRequestCycle) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Redirecciona a la pagina de logout.
remove(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Remove a name and its value, if present.
removeObjects(Set<MODEL_OBJECT>) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
Elimina los objetos seleccionados.
removeObjects(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
renderComponent(IMarkupWriter, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
renderComponent(IMarkupWriter, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.fillinglist.FillingList
renderComponent(IMarkupWriter, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
renderComponent(IMarkupWriter, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
renderComponent(IMarkupWriter, IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
ReportService - Class in sf.net.kayestry.reports
ReportService() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.reports.ReportService
restart() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.KayaBasePage
Realiza un restart de la aplicacion.


saveObject(MODEL_OBJECT) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
Crea o actualiza en la base el objeto pasado como parametro.
saveObject(IRequestCycle) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
SecurePage - Interface in sf.net.kayestry.pages.access
Indica que se necesitan ciertos permisos para ver la pagina que implementa la interfaz.
selectedObjects - Variable in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
sendDocument(IEngineServiceView, IRequestCycle, ResponseOutputStream, Map) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
service(IEngineServiceView, IRequestCycle, ResponseOutputStream) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
service(IEngineServiceView, IRequestCycle, ResponseOutputStream) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.reports.ReportService
serviceRedirect(IRequestCycle, String) - Static method in class sf.net.kayestry.TapestryUtils
Redirecciona a un service.
setAddress(Direccion) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setAllowedRoles(Set<String>) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
Setea el conjunto de de roles a los que se le permite acceder a item de menu.
setCalle(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setCp(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setCurrentMenuItem(MenuItem) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
setCurrentMenuSubItem(MenuItem) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuComponent
setDireccionId(Long) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
setException(Throwable) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.ErrorPage
setExceptionBinding(IBinding) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.ErrorPage
setExtras(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setForm(IForm) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
setHeaders(Map, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DownloadService
setHeaders(Map, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.DynamicDocumentService
Agrega los headers necesarios a la respuesta.
setId(int) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
setListener(IActionListener) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
setLocalidadId(Long) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setLoggedUser(User) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.Visit
setModelClass(Class<MODEL_OBJECT>) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
setModelObject(MODEL_OBJECT) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
setModelObjectSelected(boolean) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
setName(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
setName(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
setNumero(Integer) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setPageName(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
setPaisId(Long) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setPassword(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.login.LoginComponent
setPassword(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
setPassword1(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
setPassword2(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.PasswordFields
setProvinciaId(Long) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.address.DireccionComponent
setRoles(List) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.access.AccessBean
setSelectedBinding(IBinding) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
setSelectedObjects(Set<MODEL_OBJECT>) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.pages.AbstractCRUD
setTag(Object) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript.LinkSubmitScript
setValue(List) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.fillinglist.FillingList
sf.net.kayestry - package sf.net.kayestry
sf.net.kayestry.components - package sf.net.kayestry.components
sf.net.kayestry.components.address - package sf.net.kayestry.components.address
sf.net.kayestry.components.combo - package sf.net.kayestry.components.combo
sf.net.kayestry.components.fillinglist - package sf.net.kayestry.components.fillinglist
sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript - package sf.net.kayestry.components.linksubmitscript
sf.net.kayestry.components.login - package sf.net.kayestry.components.login
sf.net.kayestry.components.menu - package sf.net.kayestry.components.menu
sf.net.kayestry.pages - package sf.net.kayestry.pages
sf.net.kayestry.pages.access - package sf.net.kayestry.pages.access
sf.net.kayestry.reports - package sf.net.kayestry.reports
Generacion de reportes usando JasperReports.
SimpleSecurePage - Interface in sf.net.kayestry.pages.access
La implementacion devuelve la lista de roles permitidos a acceder a la pagina.
skipPast(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Skip characters until past the requested string.
skipTo(char) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Skip characters until the next character is the requested character.
syntaxError(String) - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Make a ParseException to signal a syntax error.


TapestryUtils - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Operaciones comunes con Tapestry.
toJSONArray(JSONArray) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Produce a JSONArray containing the values of the members of this JSONObject.
toJSONObject(JSONArray) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of this JSONArray.
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make an JSON external form string of this JSONArray.
toString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONArray
Make a prettyprinted JSON string of this JSONArray.
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make an JSON external form string of this JSONObject.
toString(int) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Make a prettyprinted JSON external form string of this JSONObject.
toString() - Method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Make a printable string of this JSONTokener.
toString() - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.components.menu.MenuItem
translateValue(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.EnumSelectionModel
translateValue(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.GenericSelectionModel
A partir de un indice, se devuelve el valor del elemento.
translateValue(String) - Method in class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
A partir de un indice, se devuelve el valor del elemento.


unescape(String) - Static method in class org.json.JSONTokener
Convert %hh sequences to single characters, and convert plus to space.


ValueListSelectionList<T extends ar.com.jiji.kaya.dao.ValueListItem> - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Representa una coleccion de elementos a ser usados en una lista de valores.
ValueListSelectionList(List<T>) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
ValueListSelectionList(List<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.ValueListSelectionList
Visit - Class in sf.net.kayestry
Visit() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.Visit


WizardPage - Class in sf.net.kayestry.pages
Implementa un wizard, cada pagina representada por una clase.
WizardPage() - Constructor for class sf.net.kayestry.pages.WizardPage


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