Tag List Report
The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurences per tag.
Tag | Total number of occurences |
@deprecated | 0 |
@todo | 0 |
FIXME | 2 |
TODO | 1 |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurences found in the code: 0
Number of occurences found in the code: 0
Number of occurences found in the code: 2
ar.com.jiji.kaya.model.CUIT | Line |
este contructor esta por el todo en abstractcrud. deberia estar en protected | 20 |
ar.com.jiji.kaya.model.Localidad | Line |
tendria que ser int, el string es para el nuevo sistema y no iria aca. | 18 |
Number of occurences found in the code: 1
ar.com.jiji.kaya.model.Documento | Line |
ver como arreglar esto: hibernate lo manda a la base como un string muy largo | 15 |